3 August 2023 | Blogpost
- Book:- The Secret
- Author:- Rhonda Byrne
- Genre:- self-help
- Pages:- 198
- Publication:- Simon and Schuster
My Review:-
- The secret is the law of attraction.
- The law works at your level of thought, which means it helps in developing new positive thoughts and changing your belief system.
- The 24 best mentors teach about the law in this book.
- Law explains that like attracts like; your thoughts are very powerful because when you think of something, it sends it into the universe, where it magnetically attracts like things that are on the same frequency. So, when you think good, good things will come to you, and when you think bad, bad things will come to you. That is why the law of attraction is also called the law of nature.
- Your thoughts determine your feelings; if you feel bad, you are on the frequency of drawing more bad things to you, but when you feel good, you are on the frequency of drawing more good things to you, i.e., you will powerfully attract good things.
The author suggests that you can change your feelings by listening to music, walking in the garden near nature, and recalling pleasant memories. Love is the greatest of all feelings, and it is the most vibrating feeling in this whole universe, so if you can love others, then nothing is better than this, and this will make you feel great.
- The book also explains the ask, believe, and receive process. If you ask the universe what you want, that means you are clear in your mind about what you want; believe means you believe that what you have asked for is already yours; and receive means showing and having gratitude feelings after you get that thing.
- The book also suggests that, in order to attract wealth, health, and relationships, you need to think of more of these things, like “I will make money”, “I can attract money,” “I can create money,” etc.
- The author also suggests that to solve any problem, be it in the world, in your country, in your state, or in your life, you should have a positive mental attitude and a solution-oriented mind.
Ending notes:-
When this book came from Flipkart Yes, I purchased this book from Flipkart, and when it came, oh my god! I was amazed and mesmerized by the vintage look of the book and how beautiful it is to hold it. I started reading the book on Jan. 8, 2021 and finished it on Jan. 14, 2021. So, i took 7 whole days to complete my reading journey. I also thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, and I also loved the little graphics inside the book. It is a must-read in your lifetime. I highly recommend it to you all. Do read.